Pass Drug Test

Have an upcoming drug test? No need to worry, we guarantee you will pass a drug test!

Urine Drug Testing

Urine Drug Testing is the most renouned form of drug contrast due to the inexpensiveness, sincerely easy use, as well as discerning results. Although urine drug tests have been comparatively discerning to determine, most drug tests will be sent to the lab to establish the results. We suggest present drug tests that embody hair drug test, spit drug test, as well as urine drug test. Many unchanging drug users will need the little arrange of detoxification in sequence to kick the urine drug test.

We now suggest 3 opposite solutions for urine drug testing, that includes:
  • Urine Substitution
  • Urine Additive
  • 'Temporary' Detox Product
  • Rapid Detox Programs

Product Image Item Name- Price
1 Hour Fast Flush Capsules

1 Hour Fast Flush Capsules

The Detoxifying Fast Flush Caps work as a flushing agent to cleanse your body of all unwanted drug metabolites allowing you to pass a urine drug test. After taking the Detoxifying Fast Flush Caps, individuals should be prepared to urinate...

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1-Panel Drug Test

1-Panel Drug Test

Drug testing yourself or others is a very popular practice for a plethora of reasons. iScreen has been on the forefront of fast, easy to use, and accurate at home drug test kits and panels for years. One-step tests accurately detects drug...

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6-Panel Drug Test

6-Panel Drug Test

NEW! Test yourself with our 6-Panel Urine Drug Test! You asked for an easy, affordable "upgrade" to the popular single panel and 5-panel marijuana THC home drug test kits, and delivered! The 6-Panel Drug Test Kit is a great product for detecting...

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7 Day Body Cleanser

7 Day Body Cleanser

Completely Clean 7-Day Permanent Cleanser was designed for those who want to cleanse their blood, urine, hair and saliva. This product will cleanse your system in only 7 days! The detox program includes a healthy, toxin-free diet, daily permanent...

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Daily Pretox Capsules

Daily Pretox Capsules

Daily Pretox is the indispensable helper assists with the detoxifying process and helps to clean your urinary system prior to a urine drug test. Daily Pretox capsules are designed to be used in conjunction with other Ultra Klean detox drinks or...

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Detox Drink

Detox Drink

Ultra Klean? 1 Hour Liquid Formula is the ultimate carbohydrate-based liquid detox agent. Our extensive background, education and experience formulating and testing carbohydrate-based detoxifyinging agents has resulted in a product that is...

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Heater Pad

Heater Pad

The Heat Factory heating pad will help to maintain the proper temperature (95? - 100?) for submitting to the lab.

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On-Site Alcohol Test

On-Site Alcohol Test

Detect the presence of alcohol in saliva and in urine with this handy all-in-one test kit. Comes with everything you need to collect the specimen and to test it for alcohol. Great for testing yourself prior to a test in order to know whether you...

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Power Flush Detox Tea

Power Flush Detox Tea

Power Flush Detox Tea was created by a group of detox industry experts with decades of experience. This tea has a success rate of over 99%. Power Flush Detox Tea is made from the most effective herbs, historically proven to remove toxins from the...

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Pretox Boost

Pretox Boost

PRETOX Capsules help assist the detoxifying process to clean your system prior to passing a drug test. PRETOX capsules are designed to be used in conjunction with other detox products to aid in detoxification and should not be used alone to pass a...

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Featured Products - Urine Drug Testing

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